The Secrets to a Motivating Sermon

A sermon is defined as an address of a religious nature. For that matter, every preacher is capable of delivering a sermon. Not all sermons we hear, however, are effective and they can only be so if they become your listeners source of motivation. If you want to make your sermon outstanding, focus on the needs of your listeners and give them the inspiration to help them solve their needs. Of course, before you can do any of that, you need to find a way to connect to them first.

How to Connect with Your Listeners through Your Motivational Sermon
To connect with your listener, you need to share with them something thats relevant, interesting, and enlightening. Keep in mind as well that the operative word here is share. Be sure that you share with them first the requisite information or story before preaching, telling, or asking.

Human Interest Stories
These stories are those that portray certain situations the human race experience, situations that not only evoke sympathy but urge us to reflect more deeply about our lives as well. Use this technique if you wish your listeners to realize how lucky they are and be motivated by that realization.

Simply put, cite an example or illustration of something you witnessed or you know about. Sermons become more motivating when listeners understand that what youre sharing with them is something that could happen to them, too.

Everyone can construct a sentence, but not everyone will be quoted for it. Quotations are special statements that bring home a certain truth. Use them wisely and sparsely; if you use too many of them, your listeners might not be able to fully digest the import of each and every quote. Use of quotations also makes them aware that people of authority are more or less preaching the same message.

Historical References
If a quote is simply not enough then perhaps you could give them something more substantial by referring to an incident in history. The past is one of our greatest sources of wisdom. Research diligently and youll be surprised at the various lessons you can learn and consequently share with others.

Facts and Statistics
Theres something so horrible about actual facts and figures that make people sit up and take notice. They are best used when people are stubbornly blind and deaf to the truth. Because facts and figures are easily verifiable, they make a good way of emphasizing your point. Of course, dont use them merely to frighten your listeners. Use it to call their attention but remind them afterwards that theres always hope for change, hope is what they should cling on, and hope is what should motivate them.

Laughter is the best medicine in the world and this proves true in many ways. Adding a touch of humor is good for motivational sermons; it makes your listeners more inclined to hear what you have to say. Humor makes you less a figurehead and more real, a person they can empathize with and understand.

Use technology to make your motivational sermon more effective. Audio-visuals are always a great help; Power Point presentations and videos can provide supporting evidence for what you have to say. The Internet is also a considerable source of information and it can help make your sermon more substantial.

Lastly, believe in what you have to say, be motivated by the fact that youre helping others and theyre sure to respond to you.


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